King pin schedule
King pin schedule

  • Ja’siah Petty -Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver within 1000ft of school, Felony Maintain Dwelling for Controlled Substance, Felony Trafficking in Opium and Heroin, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: $246,500.00 Secured Bond.
  • Xavier Hunt – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $830,000.00 Secured Bond + 25 days Contempt of Court.
  • king pin schedule

    Henry Hunt – Felony Continuing Criminal Enterprise and Felony Conspire to Traffick Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Trafficking in Opium and Heroin, Felony Manufacture Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Possess with Intent to Sell & Deliver Schedule I Controlled Substance, Felony Possess with Intent to Sell & Deliver Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Felony Maintain Dwelling for Controlled Substance, Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver Controlled Substance within 1000ft of a school, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – $1,901,500.00 Secured Bond.List of arrests, charges, and bond information:

    king pin schedule

    The sheriff’s office said 41 people were arrested and they were still looking for six people.

    King pin schedule